Photo of stage with artist and audience during Kingsland

Kingsland Festival

On King's Day, Thursday 27 April 2023, the Kingsland Festival will once again take place at the RAI. The dance event will be organised for the ninth time by 4PM Entertainment and E&A Events, and will take place from 12.00 in the afternoon until 20.00 in the evening in and on the forecourt of RAI Amsterdam. Construction work and soundchecks will take place prior to the festival, and the nightly dismantling will begin after the event. To ensure that the event runs smoothly, arrangements have been made with the police, fire brigade, environmental service and the city district, among others. A good dosage of visitor flows will be monitored, and in case of disturbance you can contact the event organiser or the RAI. Neighbouring residents of the RAI will receive a letter this week explaining the event in more detail. You can also acces this letter here.

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