
RAI Amsterdam wins Zuidas Duurzaamheidsprijs 2022- category Society


RAI wins Zuidas Sustainability award 2022 category Society

Yesterday the Zuidas sustainability award 2022 was awarded for the first time at the Floriade Expo. RAI Amsterdam won in the category Society with the entry “From garbage to social value!”. We want to thank all those involved in making this wonderful award a reality.

The entry “From garbage to social value” in brief
From the wish to enhance the societal value of the RAI, and to diminish waste, RAI Amsterdam is actively working towards connecting societal needs to excesses at the RAI. Through this, the RAI is finding many possibilities to use excess products to aid society. From connecting left over items after events to societal initiatives through a donation programme, so they can use them in creating free meals for the Legerdesheils, to connecting unused facilities, knowledge and expertise in our network to societal initiatives, and many other beneficial programmes. Through this method, the RAI is able to prevent waste and finds chances to be meaningful to society.

Our MVO Manager Stephanie Mathas accepted the award on behalf of the RAI: “An award through which we change surplus into societal value. An award for our colleagues, interns, volunteers, suppliers, clients and most of all, all those involved in societal initiatives that make it possible for us to be societally relevant. Thank you for this heart-warming result! ”.

Jury words
“This wonderful and broad project with so many different parties involved on a larger scale. Many different groups will be connected through this initiative, creating impact on different levels. It connects varying institutes and the residents that can use some help. The knowledge and awareness about the necessity of preventing waste and keeping resources in the cycle will also be brought to the attention of the temporary users at the Zuidas (exhibitors) through this project”.

Zuidas Sustainability award
The Zuidas Sustainability awards have been awarded in five different categories. The Zuidas jury consists of Prof. dr. Jacqueline Cramer, Margreet van Gastel, Yvette Watson, Chahat Gawdi and Ruth Jansen, all of which took great care in evaluating the nominees. They were in full praise of the diversity shown in the projects, as well as the many faces of sustainability within this area. The winners reflect the diversity of wonderful project in the broad scope of sustainability happening at the Zuidas. The organisers of the awards (the municipality of Amsterdam, Hello Zuidas, Green business club Zuidas) want to use this award as a platform for diverse project that aid to a more sustainable Zuidas, as well as form an inspiration for new projects. On behalf of the RAI, we congratulate all winners on this beautiful award. Curious who won? See them here.

Picture: Ritchie Damwijk, Zuidas Duurzaamheidsprijs


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